Thursday evening someone rapped on the door and immediately rang the bell. This is the hallmark of UPS or FedEx these days. I was delighted to hear it because it meant the coffee beans were here, and we were nearly out.
The coffee beans were there. And so were these!
These are uncorrected proofs, sent out as Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) to reviewers, librarians and bookstore book-buyers. My contract specified that I got five. I know that others have gone out at least to bookstores, because a bookseller friend got in touch with me saying she just got hers.
I had seen this beautifully composed photo on Twitter, courtesy of my publisher.
It wasn’t until Friday that I flipped the book over and found a great second blurb from Marie Brennan (Spoiler alert!)
The book is real now. Even though my acknowledgments and dedication haven’t been added yet, the complete story text is there. (Well, I don’t know that, but I flipped through it last night, reading sections, and every section I wanted to read was there.)
This is really happening!