I Smell Bacon!

Yes!  Brock, of Black Sheep Farms, was at the Sebastopol Farmers’ Market yesterday and for the first time since mid-August he had bacon!

            You’re thinking, “It’s bacon, Marion.  How exciting can that be?”  Pretty gosh-darn exciting, that’s how.  I can’t say Black Sheep Farms has the best bacon in the world for the obvious reasons, but I can say that it is the best bacon I’ve ever had.  It’s lean, it has great flavor, and when combined with farmers’ market heirloom tomatoes and fresh lettuce between two toasted pieces of good bread (with a little bit of mayo) it is the first ingredient of an awesome BLT.

            I’m not much of a bacon eater except in BLTs and once in a while in spinach salads, although now that Brock’s bacon is back I may put some in my winter brussel-sprouts recipes.

            The mood of the market was happy.  It was sunny, there was a really tight band named Old Jawbone playing, but mostly people were happy about the presidential election.  This is western Sonoma County, California, so it would seem strange if we were consoling a lot of disappointed McCain/Palin fans.  In fact, the people at the market who were unhappy about national results mostly complained that Obama is too moderate.  Some people are just never satisfied.  The Humane Society people had been there last week leafleting us nearly to death with Yes on 2 fliers, so they were happy campers.

            Me?  I got tomatoes from Nancy, along with some of her nectar-sweet comice pears, lettuce from an organic farm in Bloomfield, Black Sheep Farms bacon, listened to Old Jawbone and got a mocha from Neil at Run-Around Brew.  I was a happy camper indeed.

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