Talk like Yoda on acid, he.

I haven’t made fun of comments in a while, but this one is a tour de force.  I thought maybe it was a mathmatical puzzle, that every fifth word was a secret verb and if substituted for every third word, it would make sense. . . but no.

What do you make of it?

“Accountability It is, employee may have?Also use the, empty Let there.Of inspiration and, to your life.You usually just breast actives review, comfortable Adjustable beds Although a dysfunction in.Dirty task Hoovers, importance ~ ”

Or you could think of it as a big pile of word tinker toys, and build your own paragraph.  Enjoy!
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4 Responses to Talk like Yoda on acid, he.

  1. Linda says:

    Computer generated translation with random punctuation?

  2. Marion says:

    Maybe, but those usually have syntax–or a syntax-like approximation. I don’t know. It’s a mystery.

  3. Linda says:

    Can you e-mail back the comenter and ask?

  4. Marion says:

    I’m not going to do that, because it’s a fake message, intended to get you to contact the website. I know this because I got five or six more the same day. I don’t want to encourage them. I just like to make fun.

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