The group that coalesced around the farmers’ market project last summer has named itself—in one of those rarest of events, a fun meeting! We are SAVOR—Sonoma Alliance for a Vegie Outreach Revolution. And we have a mission: “We are a grassroots coalition, passionate about connecting our neighbors to fresh, healthy local food.”
We plan to adopt kale, the wonder-vegetable, as our mascot (okay, maybe not really. But then again, maybe really.)
Who are we? Paula, a farmers’ market manager, (although I’m going to ask another market to join); Dr Wendy Kohatsu of the Vista Family Health Center; Rachel and Alison, residents at Vista (Wendy’s students); Alyssa and Jimmy from a local foster youth support program called VOICES; Hasna, an organic farmer, Kenny from Catholic Charities, Beth from Sonoma County Health Services Department, Nancy, the extraordinary extra help person I hired last year and who is now an extraordinary volunteer, and me.
What will we do? We’ll have adventures!