Hair of Glendale

Kim Kardashian plans to run for mayor of Glendale, California.

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking “Who’s Kim Kardashian?” That’s because you have a life and don’t watch so-called reality TV. Well, here’s everything I know, or think I know, about Kim Kardashian: 1) she has a reality TV show; 2) she is the Paris Hilton of this decade, Paris being sooooo 2005; 3) she has a couple of sisters whose names all start with K; 4)her stepfather is an Olympian; 5) from every tabloid picture and commercial I’ve seen, she has great hair.

Apparently on her TV show recently, Kim was musing that she would make a good mayor of Glendale because it’s, “like, Armenian town.” Yes, that’s right; Kim Kardashian is a landsman! for those of you who don’t know very much about Armenia, here are some interesting facts.

(I will now admit that up until yesterday I often pronounced Kim K’s last name as if it were the name of these guys from Star Trek: Deep Space 9.)

Apparently, Kim’s campaign hit a snag. Well, a couple of snags, actually. The first setback is that you can’t really run for mayor in Glendale.  You must run for, and win, a seat on the city council. Then the position of mayor rotates among city council members. Kim might have to wait a year or two to get to be mayor. Does she have the attention span for it?

Glendale also has this picky, bureaucratic, so-unfair rule that, to run for city council, you have to live in the town of Glendale.

I’m sure one of Kim’s minions can find her a house in Glendale. I’m sure the voters of that town will embrace her. She’s demonstrated such a clear understanding of the democratic process, and she’s so well-informed on so many topics. And she really cares about the core issues of Glendale, whatever those are.

And she’s got  such great hair.

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2 Responses to Hair of Glendale

  1. Chad Hull says:

    She doesn’t even live there? Lol.

    You forgot that she is factually gorgeous; or perhaps that’s understood as is her hair.

  2. Marion says:

    She really is gorgeous, that’s true.

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