I saw it first in the parking lot behind Fort Ross Store. Since sometimes I’m stupid, I read it,at first, as “Resus.” I tried to make that be “Resuse–” as in “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,” but the bus was having none of it.
Walking back down to my hotel after dinner, I saw it parked there next to the Post Office, its colors harmonizing with the lavender and other flowers. I didn’t have my camera, so I had to go back to my room and get it.
In case you were wondering, yes, that is a Folger’s coffee can (plastic) with a dollar bill sticking out of it, just below that charming mutant smiley face. Why a dollar bill in a coffee can? I have no idea.
That is a horrifying calamity on wheels if I ever saw one.
I couldn’t have put it better.
nice pic, thx. u other guys are mean lol. we are incredibly blessed and peep are getn saved at the bus. JESUS truly loves u, cas, thejesuslovesyoubus.com