Tag Archives: bookstores

Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore: An Ode to Geeks Ascendant

Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore is a paean to  geeks – every kind of geek. It celebrates science geeks, stats geeks, conspiracy-freak geeks, secret society geeks, data-viz geeks, modeling geeks, gaming geeks , fantasy geeks, typeface geeks and even Peter-Jackson-Betrayed-Tolkien-‘cause-There-Was-No-Female-Elven-Warrior-In-The-Hobbit geeks. … Continue reading

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Thirteen Things I’m Thankful For

1–I’m thankful for my wonderful spouse, my step-family and my friends. You keep me honest, you keep me sane and you make the world a fairer place. 2–I’m thankful for glorious autumn sunrises. 3–I’m thankful for Goodwill. This week I … Continue reading

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Fort Bragg; Five Fun Places

Fort Bragg gets overlooked in comparison to its cousin Mendocino, a picturesque village about ten miles to the south. Mendocino benefits from a dramatic approach. Heading north , the visitor swings around a curve in Highway 1 and sees, across … Continue reading

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After Christmas, 2008

            When I packed to go to St Orres, an inn in Gualala, after Christmas, I took three of my Christmas books—Divisadero, which I started Christmas day, Bone by Bone, and Bill Bryson’s Shakespeare; the World as Stage.  I thought … Continue reading

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80,000 Books

That’s how many books Paperbacks Unlimited says they have.  I, for one, believe them.  Their store is in a converted one-story, 1960’s-era house and they tore out walls to create three large rooms filled with shelving and books             The … Continue reading

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