Category Archives: Uncategorized

What better way to restart the blog than with a raven picture? Happy May, 2024, everyone.

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Comeuppance is on the Locus Recommended Reading List for 2022

That’s it. That’s the post. I’m thrilled!

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MCWC 2022

Another Mendocino Coast Writers Conference is in the rearview. This was the first in-person conference since 2019, and I would have loved it for that alone. I did love it for that reason, but there were many other reasons to … Continue reading

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Things I’m Looking Forward To

The Mendocino Coast Writers Conference starts next week. For the first time since 2019 it will be held in person. The conference is being diligent. They required the participants to provide our vaccination status, and face coverings will be used … Continue reading

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Pride Month is Here

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Random Images from Bridgeport

Most of the land around Bridgeport seems to be cattle ranches, and lots of the plain, with sagebrush, rabbit brush and dried grass, was pastureland. There was a microbrewery next to the hotel (I don’t think we ever saw it … Continue reading

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The Elevated Ghost Town: Bodie, CA

Six miles south of Bridgeport, on US 395, a left turn takes you up into the hills, to an isolated valley that holds the remains of a mining boomtown, Bodie. Now a state park, the ghost town is maintained in … Continue reading

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The Way We Live Now #19: Covid Test

A couple of Sundays ago I got a call from a friend. She left a voicemail, didn’t say what it was about, didn’t leave a text. We spent about 20 minutes playing voicemail tag before she reached me, to tell … Continue reading

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MCWC 2021 Finished Up

Another conference is in the books. Like last year’s, this conference was online. Like last year’s this worked pretty well for me. It worked better for me in one respect; I participated online from a room at the Alegria Inn … Continue reading

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Gallery Bookshop, Mendocino, Now Has Copper Road!

On Wednesday, The Gallery Bookshop became the latest store to carry Copper Road. Availability now stretches from San Francisco to Mendocino! Well, kind of. Here is the current list of shops that carry the book on consignment. Gallery Bookshop, at … Continue reading

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