Tag Archives: Florida Trip

Lily, is That You?

While I was in Cassadaga Microsoft, with the respect for the biological end user that is a hallmark of its brand, informed me that no, I was not going to use my baby laptop, because Microsoft was going to install … Continue reading

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Three Travel Accessories

These three travel accessories made my Florida trip easy. Two of them are variations on the same theme, and each one fulfilled its function admirably. I love the Baggallini travel lanyard. It has a place for a passport, a long … Continue reading

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The Sunset Cruise

Tuesday evening I met Kat Hooper and we took a sunset cruise on the Schooner Freedom. The water was calm, so calm that on the way back the captain fired up the engine for a few minutes to get us … Continue reading

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Amputation, Anyone? The Military Hospital Museum

The tour of the Spanish Military Hospital Museum was one I had not planned to take. For some reason, I don’t know exactly why, when I walked down Avila Avenue on Sunday the hospital did not attract. It might have … Continue reading

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The Castillo de San Marcos

The Castillo de San Marcos pretty much draws the eye from anywhere on St. Augustine’s waterfront. The best pedestrian view is from the Bridge of Lions, but once you hit Matanzas Strait you can’t miss the stone walls to the … Continue reading

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And Now a Word About Alligators

(Advisory: The sixth photo down is a snake picture. Scroll past it if snakes freak you out.)  The main alligator lagoon forms the ground floor of the rookery, guaranteeing that no tree-climbing rodent predators (rats, etc) will be climbing trees … Continue reading

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For the Birds

When I think of Florida, I generally think of three things: Disney/Harry Potter World, Cape Canaveral and alligators. My two recurring fears as I planned the trip were that the airline would lose my luggage, and/or that I would lose … Continue reading

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To The Lighthouse

As I dragged my flabby carcass up the 219 steps of the St Augustine lighthouse the metal stairs began to hum. Sound filled the spiral stairwell, voices. I could make out tones, intonations, rhythms but not the words. Louder, more … Continue reading

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Coming to Saint Augustine

I left Cassadaga in a monsoon. At first I thought I was being a whiny tourist (“Oh, waaah! It’s raining!”) or at least exaggerating. The rain was so fast and steady that even with the wipers on fast the windshield … Continue reading

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Time for a Reading

You probably don’t go to Cassadaga, Florida unless you are interested in, or curious about, spiritualism. And if you are curious or interested, you are probably going to get some kind of psychic reading while you’re there. If you don’t, … Continue reading

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